Premium templates
Our Enterprise and Publisher customers have special access to a number of high-value, ‘premium’ templates.
Note: Premium templates are only accessible to customers on our Enterprise and Publisher plans. To learn more about our different plans, get in touch with our Sales team.
In this article
An overview of our premium templates
How to access our premium templates
Watch the video or follow the steps below to find out how to access these premium templates!
- 1
Go to the template chooser either by clicking here, or by going to your My projects page and then clicking
- 2
- Choose the Premium tab at the top of the template chooser. Here you will see all of our Premium templates and their starting points that work just as any template. Just click on a starting point to make a create visualization in your account.
Note: If the Premium templates are shaded in purple with a little star icon for you, this means you don't yet have access to these templates. If you think you should have access get in touch with our Customer Success team, or if you would like to discuss upgrading to get access, contact our Sales team.