Sports - an overview

What is it for?

Do you need to quickly create lineup graphics on a football pitch, basketball court, or any other kind of sports pitch? With the Sports template, you can add in custom formation, custom background, player images and quickly add new players.

How to get started

Choose the Line up starting point from the template chooser page and upload your player data to the template

In our example, the positions are filled from bottom to top – the first row being the goalkeeper, then the defenders, and so on (we'll need to bear this in mind later when we set the Start position).
Next, set your column bindings. These will vary depending on the type of sport and what data you have available. For our example, we just have player names which we set to the Info binding and player images which we set to Photo.
Follow this help doc for some tips on how to upload images into the datasheet.

Next, we can decide whether to flip our formation. In this football example this means having the goalkeeper either at the top or bottom. We can also decide whether to show our chart horizontally or vertically.

Under the Formation options, you can choose between the set of typical formations.

If the options available don't meet your needs, you can specify one yourself. Head to Formation type and choose Custom. Now set out your own formation using an asterisk * for every player, a dash - to leave empty spaces on the field, and a new line for the next level of the formation.

In the next section, you are able to customize the appearance of the dots – that's the circles that show the player images.
As well as changing the label size and color, there are bold or normal options with the Weight setting.

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