How to add category colors to popup headers

Do you want your popup header to match the series' color? Read how to achieve this below! 

In the Data tab, create a new column called Color and bind it under Info for popups .

In the new Color column, paste the color hex code for each of your series. Make sure that you have added the # as well. You can find the exact shade by clicking on Edit color palette under the Color settings in the editor. You can read more about Flourish color palettes here.

Under Popups & panels settings, select Custom under Popup content.

Enable the Show popup styles toggle and change the padding to 0. We're going to adjust it manually using custom HTML.

Under Popup custom header, copy and paste the following:
Let's break down the aforementioned snippet.

  1. The background-color: {{Color}} is the background color of your header, which will adopt the color you have specified in your Color column. If your column is named differently, you can replace {{Color}} with your alternative column name, but it needs to be an exact match.
  2. The color: #FFFFFF refers to your font color.
  3. The width: 97% determines the length of the colored background. Depending on the maximum height of your popup, you may have to increase the width to 100% instead.
  4. The padding-top, padding-bottom and padding-left increase the size of the background color. Depending on your personal preferences, you can reduce or increase these, as well as add a padding-right element.
  5. Last but not least, the {{Country}} determines what is your header displaying. You can replace this with any column name from your data, as long as it is bound to a setting (such as Size, Value or Info for popups).
If you would prefer your font color to match the series' color (as opposed to the background color), you can do this by removing the background-color: {{Color}} bit. Instead, you will need to replace the default font color with {{Color}}.
You can then adjust the way your header looks by using the Header style settings.