How to create a bar chart with the Table template

The Table's mini bar charts offer great flexibility in terms of their labels – they can wrap on a second row on smaller screen sizes, and you can customize each individual label by using custom HTML & CSS in the Data tab.

Create a Table visualization using the default starting point.
In the Data tab, paste your bar labels into one column and the respective values in another. However, leave the name of your category column blank.
Leave blank Values
Category 1 100
Category 2 200
Category 3 140
In the Preview tab, head over to the Mini bar chart settings and paste the name of your numerical column. This will display the values as bars.

Leave the New column name text box blank.

Under Mobile view, select the Blocks option and set the Mobile breakpoint width to a higher value, for example, 1400. This will ensure that your visualization will be displayed as a bar chart on both desktop and mobile.

TIP: If you have more than three categories (bars), increase the Rows per page value to the number of your series.

Any text labels that are longer than the longest bar will now wrap onto multiple lines. You can adjust the width of the bars under Mini bar charts >> Width.

You can now start customizing the look of your bars. If you would like no border between the different bars, head over to Cell styles >> Border and choose a border thickness of 0. 

Under the Mini bar chart settings, you can choose whether you would like labels on bars, as well as adjust the width and color of your bars.

If you would like to increase the height of your bars or reduce the spacing between them, you can do this under Cell styles.