How to set series info in popups

In the Line, bar, pie template, you can set series info popups. This allows to write custom text, which will only appear in the popup hovering over the specified series. 

To do this first go to the popups and panels section. Next, toggle "Set series info for popups". 
In the text box you can add info for each series by typing "series::info you want to add". To add more than one series, just start a new line.
For example, in the gif below I've added comments about both of the series by adding this text:

	Low-carbon sources :: Includes wind, solar, hydro, biofuels, other renewables and nuclear
	Fossil fuels sources :: Includes oil, gas and coal

If you hover over the series, the information added will now appear in the popup

Note: setting series info in popups only works when custom popups are not used.