How to create a spotlight Photo slider story

The Photo slider template features three Before/after modes – Slide, Fade and Spotlight. If you choose the Spotlight option, you can create a stunning story where you can focus the user’s attention on various parts of your photo. Learn how to do this below.

To get started,

Create your Photo slider visualization and choose the Spotlight mode. You can also adjust the size and animation of your spotlight – the animation will be available once you add your visualization to a story. 

Once you are happy with the look of your visualization, add it to a Story.

Move the Spotlight to the first position which you would like it. This will be the default view whenever the story loads.

Then duplicate the first slide and do the same with your second Spotlight position.

Repeat step 4 until you've created all the spotlight slides you want.
When played, the story will automatically animate between the various Spotlight positions you have set.

Get started with your own Photo slider now! »